All transactions posted to accounts in the Student Information System (SIS) are summarized each night and posted to the general ledger (GL) as a single transaction for each GL account/object code combination found. When and how they reach your GL account depends on the transaction type, term and time of year.


All tuition is credited to a general clearing account. Income is distributed by the Office of the Comptroller to the GL account entered on each class record using RNR.U.SCHEDULE or RNR.U.MCS.

In summer terms, all tuition income for dental sessions belonging to the Ostrow School of Dentistry — plus some designated sessions belonging to the Marshall School of Business and the Price School of Public Policy — is allocated to the fiscal year in which the charges were assessed.

All other summer tuition income is deferred to the new fiscal year beginning July 1.

Questions about tuition revenues posted to departmental GL accounts should be directed to Hank Gao.

Fees and Financial Aid

(lab fees, special class and session fees, mandatory fees and financial aid (excluding loans))

Fall and spring transactions are posted via the automated SIS daily journal voucher.

Nearly all summer transactions assessed automatically through the registration process are deferred to the fiscal year beginning July 1. See “Summer Deferral” below. Most transactions posted manually are not deferred. Check your individual FTCodes to confirm.

Other Transactions

All other transactions are posted via the automated SIS daily journal voucher.

Summer Deferral

All deferred transactions posted to student accounts from term inception through June 30 are summarized into a single GL entry for each FTCode. Due to year-end closing and the reconciliation process, the journal voucher may be posted to the new fiscal year any time after July 1 through early August. These entries include GJ as the document type and the description indicates “Summer Deferral” plus the FTCode.  After June 30, all summer transactions are posted to the general ledger via the automated SIS daily journal voucher.

SIS Daily Journal Voucher

Transactions are summarized nightly and posted directly to the GL accounts associated with each FTCode, usually on the following business day. These entries include SIS as the document type and 721 as the reference number, and the description indicates the business date on which the transactions were posted.
Run BUR.R.GLACT.SEQ to see the detail behind a specific journal entry.


BUR.D.FTCode to see what GL account is associated with a given FTCode.
BUR.R.FTCODE.INFO to see what FTCodes are associated with a given GL account or financial aid award code.
BUR.R.GLACT.SEQ to report on transactions associated with specific FTCodes.